Tammy Ware
Victorian Tammy Ware was looking for a sea change when she discovered Magnetic Island. "Who doesn’t want to live on a tropical island?” she laughs.
With her husband and two daughters, the family took a leap of faith and headed North. "We absolutely love it,’’ she said. "Living on the island and travelling on the ferry each day is a unique way to commute, and an idlylic lifestyle."
I love my job - I get to work with both the clinical nursing staff and the finance team.Tammy Ware
"Every trip on the ferry is an adventure and the sense of community among the regular commuters is something special. The sunrises and sunsets are also magical,’’ she said. Tammy shares the trip each day with her husband, Steve, who also works at the Hospital as an Orderly in Theatre.
Tammy began her health industry career straight from school, studying a Bachelor of Health Information Management. She went on to work in Hospitals and Health Funds in Victoria, before heading North.
Tammy's role as Health Information Manager is to manage the Medical Records Department, for the purposes of the physical retention of records, and for the collection, analysis and distribution of patient health information, to meet legistlative reporting requirements.
"I love my job - I get to work with both the clinical nursing staff and the finance team."
Tammy has worked on a number of new initiatives, including leading the project to update our Patient Information System.